The Journey to Happiness

POJEKT „SZCZĘŚCIE” – relacja uczestniczki

W ramach wymiany międzynarodowej ze szkołą z Wohlen w Szwajcarii, uczniowie naszej szkoły brali udział w projekcie „Szczęście”. Poniżej relacja Darii Kowal, uczennicy kl. 2f, o tym co dał jej udział w tych przedsięwzięciach.

Personally, I think that happiness is a vast subject , seemingly simple to understand, but still so difficult to describe, that I was not sure if I would be able to do well with the topics assigned to us during the exchange, but do I regret it? Absolutely not, what I have achieved for myself, what I have gained and lost, what I have learned should speak for itself…

First of all, I want to start with how much I learned about the culture, behaviour of people from another country, i.e. Switzerland. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to learn about a different lifestyle of people who also had other priorities and values in their lives. You might say it’s wrong, but for me, not at all. We realized that someone may perceive some actions differently, due to cultural diversity or language, so we had to expand our limits of comfort, try to show ourselves from the best but true side at the same time find a way out of any difficult situation and, above all, be extremely patient. I had a topic about the influence of the country’s money, on the life and happiness of its inhabitants. Without knowing anything about it, I was able to say that money does indeed play a role in maintaining human standard of living at a convenient level. Thanks to the exchange, I was forced to read more about it and learned a lot, e.g. about poor and incredibly happy countries, but also wealthy and sad ones.

I also knew what happiness was, and yet during the exchange I felt something beyond the description. A mixture of excitement, stress, amusement and the desire to show your best side or feeling pressure due to the need of speaking English almost 24/7. Is this happiness? I guess so…I met amazing people at my age who have taught me so much. I keep in touch with them although it has been a month since the exchange ended. I miss my friends whom I got to know less than two weeks ago, it seems crazy, doesn’t it? But I guess, it is happiness. I overcame my fears, weaknesses, hesitations, thanks to people who supported me with all their heart, even though we hardly knew each other. They showed me that being yourself is more important than trying to be approved by someone else, they showed their diligence, willingness to act, and a big heart. They welcomed us at home like a family, showed us what is important to them, welcomed us with such love. I became so attached to them that I couldn’t hold back my tears when we were saying goodbye. It was only two weeks, but it was happiness. I felt safe with them, I trusted them like a good old friend, I had the impression that they did the same for us . I can say that from April 18 to May 2 I lived the best moments in my life and I am not afraid to say it. It was not a type of feeling where you smile every moment, laugh, or absorb every moment with your whole being, it was more than just happiness. It was they who showed me that so far I have been happy, but on a completely different level, and I am extremely grateful for that. I have already done it, but I would like to thank them once again for being themselves and in this is way making me one of the happiest persons in the world, even if it was just two weeks.

Daria Kowal